Compound interest and returns calculation are a bit complex and time-consuming. FD Calculator lets you measure the maturity value of an investment over a Fixed Deposit instrument with just fewer inputs. It saves time and helps to predict the future value of a fixed deposit.
Using this calculator is quite easy, you just need to provide some inputs such as Principal, Rate of Interest, Tenure, etc. You can also change the compounding method (Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly).. Once inputs are done, click on the 'Calculate Now' button. The 'FD Calculator' will bring the result for you and that includes expected returns, growth table, and growth chart.
Fixed deposit or FD is a savings instrument provided by all kinds of banks and some non-banking financial companies. FD is like a savings account but with a different nature. A Fixed Deposit account can be opened with a lumpsum amount for a period. Unlike a savings account, you cannot deposit funds more than one time in a Fixed Deposit Account.
A person can have more than one FD account with the same or other financial institutions. Once you invest an amount in an FD, you cannot withdraw funds until its maturity. However, some banks provide benefits of premature closure of a Fixed Deposit Account. A fixed deposit calculator lets you measure the maturity benefits of an investment over a bank fixed deposit.