NIFTY Auto P/E | Che Nifty Auto index Price to Earning ratio

NIFTY Auto P/E Ratio

NSE NIFTY Auto Index is a sectoral index that contents major securities related to auto. Let's check latest NIFTY Auto PE and evaluate the valuation using historical price to earning ratio (PE Ratio) data. P/E or price-to-earning ratio is a value that quickly denotes the kind of valuation of any stock or equity index. A lower P/E ratio is considered as the market valuation is cheaper, whereas a higher P/E ratio is expensive.


Last Updated 03/25/2025, 10:29 PM

NIFTY AUTO - Last 15 Days P/E Ratio Trends Chart

NIFTY AUTO - Last 24 Months P/E Ratio Trends Chart

NIFTY AUTO - Historical P/E Chart






Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2025 22.29 21.52 20.23
2024 26.26 26.09 25.85 25.6 23.99 24.22 24.81 23.73 25.77 24.69 22.93 22.71
2023 37.8 33.03 30.96 32.49 30.99 29.88 31.08 24.88 25.57 25.54 23.6 25.18
2022 64.69 83.82 71.24 80.04 63.17 52.57 56.89 50.22 47.5 47.2 41.56 38.36
2021 320.8 247.96 249.64 708.14 373.25 97.06 87.56 57.35 56.78 62.26 68.09 59.97
2020 24.19 24.76 18.76 17.6 19 29.11 40.58 109.13 141.34 143.8 227.65 300.52
2019 24.13 23.29 23.95 24.14 22.85 22.28 20.61 19.58 20.27 20.96 23.63 23.7
2018 41.74 39.26 35.71 37.08 35.91 34.41 33.36 30.73 28.03 23.92 25.63 25.58
2017 33.95 34.22 34.44 34.93 36.39 38.17 39.64 40.02 42.13 42.92 41.01 41.24
2016 38.41 33.14 32.89 36.23 35.59 34.03 35.27 36.96 38.84 37.96 32.78 32.03
2015 42.39 51.48 54.01 54.12 51.64 54.25 55.11 51.1 46.92 48.9 43.11 41.03
2014 27.5 26.36 25.5 26.97 28.21 31.46 33.02 34.62 37.57 37.31 39.77 40.89
2013 22.91 21.76 21.67 21.07 22.52 23.17 23.22 21.47 22.54 24.48 25.34 27.92
2012 17.36 20.23 20.56 21.45 20.22 19.62 19.54 19.89 20.99 21.79 21.34 22.53
2011 20.18 18.31 18.8 20.28 18.79 17.34 17.86 16.6 17.05 17.51 17.84 16.83
2010 22.97 17.94 19.3 19.45 17.58 18.2 18.65 19.02 20.32 21.19 21.4 21.64
2009 9.3 12.24 13.74 16.33 20.03 22.76 23.23 23.13 26.01 25.22 22.3 23.63
2008 18.1 16.11 15.27 14.95 15.15 12.51 11.22 12.42 12.61 10.28 8.91 8.68
2007 20.36 19.61 17.38 16.92 17.23 16.6 17.42 16.2 17.43 18.85 18.33 19.67
2006 25.89 24.22 19.4 19.2 19.39 21.12 21.5 19.66 19.73

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